parent advocacy for special education
You are your child BEST advocate.

As a parent, you are the most important adult in your child’s life. You know them best! 


You know your child better than anyone else. You know their strengths. Their struggles. What makes them tick. What makes them smile.

However, you may feel like an outsider at the table with your child’s educational team. You may “go along” with the team’s decision, not realizing that YOUR input matters MOST of all. Even worse, you may not speak up about matters that could truly make a difference in getting your child’s support to get through school successfully.

The RIGHT information is critical when it comes to helping your child succeed.

If your child is diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Autism, Executive Functioning Deficits, or other learning or behavioral challenges, understanding how to support them at home and school is important for you as their parent advocate. When your child is “falling through the cracks” due to a lack of appropriate support, having limited knowledge about their diagnoses or learning barriers can hurt your child’s progress.

We work collaboratively with you to make sure that you understand your child’s specific struggles, help you better understand the Special Education process (if your child has an IEP), provide you with tools to help get appropriate support for your child, and walk alongside you as you navigate this process, one step at a time.

Advocacy Support 

When you schedule your child for a Learning Profile Assessment (assessments provided to local clients only), we offer one complimentary advocacy session to support you if you seek additional services through your child’s school. 

We also offer Special Education advocacy support on a case-by-case basis. I’ve worked with HUNDREDS of parents over the years and know the school system like the back of my hand. I will walk beside you and help you each step of the way. 

We review and provide individualized support with the following: 

  • Individualized Education Plans (IEPs)
  • Multi-factored Evaluations (MFEs/ETRs)
  • Existing Behavioral Intervention Plans (BIPs)
  • Existing Functional Behavior Assessments (FBAs) 

Out-Of-State Clients

Our P.A.S.S. (Parent Advocates for Student Success) Academy enrolls three times per year and is designed to help parents of children with Executive Functioning skill challenges, ADHD, Autism, and other learning differences navigate special education.

The P.A.S.S. Academy is an intimate 4-week live group coaching program to help you discover home/school collaboration strategies, access evidence-based interventions (for both home and school), download scripts, resource guides, and personalized help with a licensed school psychologist to answer your individual questions.

This parent program is great if you need help with the following: 

  • Understanding the legal rights of your child as a student receiving Special Education services 
  • Knowing the appropriate support for your child with ADHD, Autism, or a Specific Learning Disability, like Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, or Dyscalculia
  • Knowing what to say when you attend IEP reviews for your child 
  • Assessing yearly progress on individual special education service goals
  • Plus so much more about the Special Education process that you don’t know (but NEED to)!